Thursday, April 7, 2011

Display Panels E-Manual

"hi, ernie - wanted to show you my finished gallery - we got your manual, made a few small changes to fit my needs. The panels get lots of positive comments, and the gallery is beautiful. Thanks -"    
     I am so pleased to show the Art Display Panels made by a purchaser of my E-Manual. Etty Pacifico has recently opened an Art Gallery/Art Supply store in San Luis Obispo, CA called Art Central. She used her ingenuity & my E-Manual plans to make the large wall display below.

I'm blown away by how great this looks. The panels are covered with indoor/outdoor carpeting which gives a warm professional look. It is a combination Art Gallery and Art Supply Store. She operates it under her married name, Etty Pacifico and it is called "Art Central" and is located at 1329 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. She publishes the Art Central Blog. Click on it to check it out. She also paints watercolor under her maiden name, Etty Klinger. You can see Etty's Website here.
     Nancy & I have returned to Loomis, CA where I am busy filling orders for my Display Panel E-Manual through eBay.  Click here to see my E-Manual listing on eBay. Now that the rains seem to have subsided I plan to begin painting my miniature personal 6" x 8" destop paintings. They will be designed to both sit on a desk or hang in groupings on the wall. You'll be seeing some soon. Well, th-th-that's all for now.

Quote for the day: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are!" by Theodore Roosevelt

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