It's been months since my last post but that will change now that I'm getting back on track. I was very busy doing a painting for a magazine cover and developing a new marketing program for this economy. Also my work as Co-Chair of the Placer Artists' League in Auburn, CA has temporarily doubled while I've been filling in for the other Co-Chair who resigned for health reasons.
Currently I am preparing for the Town & Country Art Fiesta in Sacramento the weekend of June 6, 7th. Some of you locals will be receiving postcard invitations for this event. I may try to create an email rendition of the postcard also if I can.
During 4th of July weekend I will be doing a Pacific Fine Arts show at Lake Tahoe-The Village at North Star, a Ski Resort between Truckee and Tahoe, CA. Then the first weekend in August I will be doing another show in Mammoth Lakes, CA. You may have noticed that I'm doing fewer events this year trying to get caught up.
If you would like to be included on my mailing list please email me at ernie@erniekleven.com. Also you may click on the title to go to my website where you may view other works of mine.
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